Parties in comparison
Explanation of the chart
The graph shows the economic orientation of the parties on the X-axis from left to right. The further left, the more actively the state should intervene via taxes, regulations and redistribution. The further to the right, the less the state should intervene.
On the Y-axis from top to bottom, the parties are categorized according to their life models. The further up a party, the more it prioritizes liberal lifestyles over traditional views and material goods. The further down, the more a party aligns itself with traditional lifestyles and sees the state as the moral authority for living together.
Data was collected through the 2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey by more than 400 policy experts. Party positions may change over time. Therefore, the chart serves only as an overview and cannot make statements about specific political topics.
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2020. “2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey.” - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Social Democratic Party of GermanyGrüne
Alliance ’90/The GreensCDU/CSU
Christian Democratic Union of GermanyFDP
Free Democratic PartyAfD
Alternative for GermanyDie Linke
The LeftSüdschleswigscher Wählerverband
Southern Schleswig Voters' AssociationBSW
Alliance Sahra WagenknechtBayernpartei
Civic movement for progress and changeBÜRGERBEWEGUNG (Bürgerbewegung für Fortschritt und Wandel) is a party of undefinable orientation from Germany.
Bündnis 21
Bündnis 21Bündnis C
Bündnis C – Christen für DeutschlandBürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität
Bürgerrechtsbewegung SolidaritätBürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität is a party from Germany.
Deutsche Konservative Partei – Deutsche RechtsparteiDemokratie in Bewegung
Demokratie in BewegungDemokratie in Bewegung is a party from Germany.
Die Grauen
Die Grauen – Für alle GenerationenDie Heimat
The homeDie PARTEI
Party for Labour, Rule of Law, Animal Protection, Promotion of Elites and Grassroots Democratic InitiativeDie Urbane
Die Urbane. Eine HipHop ParteiFreie Wähler
Free VotersGartenpartei
GartenparteiGartenpartei is a party from Germany.
Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, Vierte InternationaleIII. Weg
The Third WayLIEBE
Europäische Partei LIEBELIEBE (Europäische Partei LIEBE) is a party from Germany.
Liberal-Conservative ReformersLKR (Liberal-Konservative Reformer) is a center-right party from Germany.
Lobbyisten für Kinder
Party for children, youth and families - lobbyists for childrenLobbyisten für Kinder (Partei für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien - Lobbyisten für Kinder) is a party of undefinable orientation from Germany.
Menschliche Welt – für das Wohl und Glücklichsein allerMLPD
Marxist-Leninist Party of GermanyPartei der Humanisten
Humanist PartyPartei des Fortschritts
Party of progressPartei für Verjüngungsforschung
Rejuvenation Research PartyPiratenpartei
Pirate Party GermanyTeam Todenhöfer
Team Todenhöfer - The Justice PartyTierschutzallianz
Allianz für Menschenrechte, Tier- und NaturschutzTierschutzallianz (Allianz für Menschenrechte, Tier- und Naturschutz) is a party from Germany.