Current Poll Values for the AfD
Current Poll Values for the AfD
In the last election, the party reached 10.3% of the votes. In the current election trend, AfD is at 20.7%. This is a difference of +10.4 compared to the last election result.
In the election trend of the federal states, AfD currently achieves the best values in Saxony with 36%, Thuringia with 35% and Saxony-Anhalt with 31%.
The worst poll results of AfD are currently in Bremen with 7.8%, Hamburg with 9.6% and Bavaria with 12%.In the last elections, :common_name achieved the best results in Thuringia with 35%, Saxony with 36%, Brandenburg with 29.2%, Saxony-Anhalt with 31% and Hesse with 16%.
Where do the poll numbers come from?
The displayed values are polling data from the PolitPro election trend, which is calculated based on weighted averages. PolitPro does not conduct its own surveys but instead uses published polling data from research institutes as well as election results. For smaller parties that are rarely included in Sunday polls, the values are therefore heavily based on election results. The figures shown on the map or below refer to the state elections of the respective federal states.
Parliamentary Election in Germany
Electoral Trend
30 days
3 months
6 months
12 months
Since Election
Current poll values
Change since last election
Alternative for GermanyRight-wing
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 10.3%
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a conservative party founded in 2013, which is seen by many as right-wing populist. It gained significance through its criticism of the Euro rescue policy and its strict stance on migration. Since 2017, the AfD has been represented in the Bundestag and achieves particularly high election results in East Germany. Its program includes, among other things, skepticism towards the European Union, rejection of the political establishment, and a conservative social policy. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the AfD as a suspected right-wing extremist case, as well as several state associations as securely right-wing extremist.
Foundation and Development of the AfD
The AfD was founded in 2013 by Alexander Gauland, Bernd Lucke, and Konrad Adam. Initially, its focus was on criticism of the Euro rescue policy and the demand for an orderly dissolution of the Eurozone. Over time, the party's focus shifted to topics such as migration, Islam, and national identity. In 2015, some founding members left the party because they disagreed with the increasing influence of the right wing. Under the leadership of Frauke Petry and later Jörg Meuthen, the AfD developed into a right-wing populist force, which is represented in several state parliaments and, since 2017, also in the Bundestag.
Program and Political Positions
The AfD represents a national conservative and right-wing populist program. It demands a restrictive migration policy, rejects political Islam, and advocates for the preservation of traditional German cultural values. Economically, it positions itself as neoliberal and demands, among other things, the abolition of the Euro in its current form. In European politics, it shows itself to be eurosceptic and advocates for a transfer of powers from the EU to the nation-states. Furthermore, the AfD emphasizes the importance of direct democracy and calls for referendums modeled after Switzerland.
Electoral Successes and Societal Resonance
Since its foundation, the AfD has been able to continuously achieve electoral successes. Especially in East German federal states such as Saxony and Thuringia, it achieves high vote shares and has sometimes become the strongest force in state elections. These successes are often interpreted as an expression of protest against established parties and as a reaction to societal changes. Critics accuse the AfD of promoting right-wing extremist tendencies and dividing society. Supporters see in it a necessary opposition that addresses grievances and offers alternative solutions.
Who Votes for the AfD?
Political Standpoints of Party Supporters
AfD supporters show a clear tendency toward traditional and conservative values. They favor cultural homogeneity, strong nation-states, and strict immigration policies. In economic matters, they mostly oppose state interventions and redistribution, while emphasizing security measures and direct democracy. Environmental policy and European integration are more economically or nation-state oriented.
What Does the Overview Show?
The overview shows the range of positions of party supporters. The shorter the bar, the more homogeneous the opinion of the party’s voters on a topic.
Where Do the Data Come From?
The data are based on self-assessments of the positions of party supporters from the PolitPro community. The data are not representative of the general population but still provide a good insight into differences and focuses among voters of different parties.
State Economic Policy
Few Interventions in Markets
Many Interventions in Markets
Environmental protection more important than economic growth
Economic growth more important than environmental protection
Europäische Union
Integration & Society
Multicultural Society
Homogeneous Society
Umverteilung von Vermögen
Für Umverteilung von reich zu arm
Gegen Umverteilung von reich zu arm
Election Results
Historical Election Results in the Bundestag
Where does AfD currently stand?
In the current election trend AfD reaches 20.7% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of +10.4 percentage points.
In the election trend of the federal states, AfD currently achieves the best values in Saxony with 36%, Thuringia with 35% and Saxony-Anhalt with 31%.
What are the political positions of AfD?
The AfD represents conservative and nationalist values, emphasizes Germany's sovereignty, and opposes the EU in its current form. It advocates for more direct democracy and the protection of national identity.
Is AfD left-wing or right-wing?
The AfD is a right-wing party. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the AfD federal party as a suspected extremist party. According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the state associations in Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony are definitely right-wing extremist.
Which faction in the EU Parliament does AfD belong to?
AfD sympathizes with the faction Europe of Sovereign Nations in the EU Parliament.
What does AfD stand for?
AfD is the abbreviation for Alternative für Deutschland.