Latest Polling Data and election polls for ÖDP


Ecological Democratic Party
Environment & Climate
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 0%
The Ecological-Democratic Party (ÖDP) is a small German party that emerged from the ecological movement in 1981. It focuses on environmental and family policy, criticism of growth, and the promotion of direct democracy. The ÖDP rejects corporate donations and advocates for a sustainable economic approach. It is particularly active at the local level in Bavaria, where it was able to secure a mandate in the European Parliament for the first time in 2014.

Origin and Development of the ÖDP

The ÖDP was founded in 1981 and arose from the ecological movement. Its founder, Herbert Gruhl, was previously a member of the CDU and was involved in ecological issues. The party positions itself as ecologically value-conservative and sees itself as a value-oriented party of the political center.

Program and Goals

The ÖDP advocates for a sustainable economic approach and rejects the growth dogma. It demands a strengthening of democracy through referendums at all levels and a ban on corporate donations to parties. Moreover, it is committed to environmental protection and family-friendly policies.

Political Successes and Presence

The ÖDP is primarily active in Bavaria, where it holds the majority of its over 500 municipal mandates. It is also represented in numerous municipal parliaments in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. In 2014, the party won a mandate in the European elections for the first time.

Distancing from Extremism

The ÖDP firmly opposes any fascist tendencies and condemns all violence against foreign or Jewish fellow citizens or their institutions, as well as against minorities, in the strongest terms.

Election Results

Historical Election Results in the Bundestag


Is ÖDP left-wing or right-wing?

ÖDP is a center-right party.

Which faction in the EU Parliament does ÖDP belong to?

ÖDP sympathizes with the faction EPP (European People’s Party) in the EU Parliament.

What does ÖDP stand for?

ÖDP is the abbreviation for Ökologisch Demokratische Partei.