Partei des Fortschritts
Party of progressLiberal politics
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 0%
The Party of Progress (PdF) is a political party founded in 2020 in Cologne, Germany. It positions itself as a grassroots democratic alternative to traditional parties and emphasizes ideology-free, scientifically based policy-making. The PdF advocates for digitization, social market economy, environmental and climate protection as well as progressing European integration. In the 2024 European elections, it achieved 0.6% of the votes and entered the European Parliament with one representative.
Founding and Principles of the Party of Progress
The Party of Progress (PdF) was founded in 2020 in Cologne and sees itself as a grassroots democratic alternative to traditional parties. It values ideology-free, scientifically based policy-making and emphasizes the importance of citizen participation. The PdF is committed to the Basic Law, the European Union, and international law. It consciously distances itself from political extremes and promotes equal opportunities and openness.
Political Positions and Goals of the PdF
The PdF advocates for comprehensive digitization of all societal areas, including administration and education, to strengthen Germany's competitiveness. It demands ideology-free and scientifically based environmental policy, recognizes climate change as one of the greatest challenges, and aims for a consistent energy transition. In European policy, the PdF commits itself to the European community of values and calls for the strengthening of the European Parliament.
Election Results and Political Participation
In the 2024 European elections, the PdF achieved 0.6% of the votes and entered the European Parliament with one representative. This marks a significant step in Germany's political landscape for the still young party. The PdF is represented in all 16 federal states with state associations and actively engages in political discourse at various levels.
Election Results
Historical Election Results in the Bundestag
Is Partei des Fortschritts left-wing or right-wing?
Partei des Fortschritts is a center-left party.
Which faction in the EU Parliament does Partei des Fortschritts belong to?
Partei des Fortschritts sympathizes with the faction Non-Inscrits in the EU Parliament.
What does PdF stand for?
PdF is the abbreviation for Partei des Fortschritts.