Latest Polling Data and election polls for Déi Gréng

Déi Gréng

The Greens
Environment & Climate
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Déi Gréng, or The Greens, were founded in 1983 and are a political party in Luxembourg that focuses on environmental and sustainability issues. They are known for their advocacy for ecological concerns.
Déi Gréng pursue a green agenda that includes environmental protection, sustainability, renewable energy, and the preservation of natural resources.
In the last election, the party reached 8.6% of the votes. In the current election trend, Déi Gréng is at 8.6%. This is a difference of ±0.0 compared to the last election result. The party is represented in the current parliament with 4 Seats.

Election Results

Historical Election Results


Where does Déi Gréng currently stand?

In the current election trend Déi Gréng reaches 8.6% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of ±0.0 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states Déi Gréng currently reaches .

What are the political positions of Déi Gréng?

Déi Gréng pursue a green agenda that includes environmental protection, sustainability, renewable energy, and the preservation of natural resources.

Is Déi Gréng left-wing or right-wing?

Déi Gréng advocates a mixture of left and right positions.

Which faction in the EU Parliament does Déi Gréng belong to?

Déi Gréng sympathizes with the faction Greens (The Greens/European Free Alliance) in the EU Parliament.

What does DG stand for?

DG is the abbreviation for Déi Gréng.