Latest Polling Data and election polls for Ș.O.R.


Șor Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Partidul ȘOR, or Șor Party, was founded in 2015 and is a relatively new political force in Moldova. It emerged from the business world and quickly gained political significance.
Partidul ȘOR upholds business-friendly values and advocates for entrepreneurial freedom, low taxes, and the promotion of business interests.
In the last election, the party reached 5.7% of the votes. In the current election trend, Ș.O.R. is at 8.2%. This is a difference of +2.5 compared to the last election result. The party is represented in the current parliament with 6 Seats.

Election Results

Historical Election Results


What are the political positions of Ș.O.R.?

Partidul ȘOR upholds business-friendly values and advocates for entrepreneurial freedom, low taxes, and the promotion of business interests.

Is Ș.O.R. left-wing or right-wing?

Ș.O.R. is a right-wing party.

What does Ș.O.R. stand for?

Ș.O.R. is the abbreviation for Partidul „ȘOR”.