Should prison sentences for juvenile offenders be abolished?

Poll results

Should prison sentences for juvenile offenders be abolished?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3388 respondents – 04.07.2023-11.07.2023

Poll information

Should prison sentences for juvenile offenders be abolished? 9% voted in favor of abolishing prison sentences for juvenile offenders, 85% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3388 users of the PolitPro app during 04.07.2023-11.07.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Resocialization and promotion of responsibility: juvenile offenders are at a stage of personal development and have a higher potential for change and reintegration into society. Instead of imprisonment, alternative measures such as educational programs, therapeutic supervision, and community service should be promoted. These approaches aim to resocialize youth, teach them responsibility, and give them the opportunity to improve.
  2. Long-term effects: The stay of incarcerated youth can lead to an increased risk of recidivism and criminal careers. The negative influences in the prison environment, separation from family and social ties, and the stigma effect can make rehabilitation more difficult. Alternative sanctions and interventions create opportunities to address the individual needs of juvenile offenders and set them on a better path in life.
  3. Human rights and equal opportunity: imprisonment can disproportionately affect the human rights and equal opportunity of juvenile offenders. Rather than focusing on punishment, youth should be encouraged to recognize their mistakes, take responsibility, and actively engage in positive activities. Abolishing detention allows for fairer and more humane treatment of juvenile offenders.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Deterrence and Public Safety: Prison sentences serve to deter and protect the public. They send a clear signal that serious offenses have consequences and help prevent further offending. Without the possibility of imprisonment, some youth may not feel sufficient deterrence and may be encouraged to commit crimes.
  2. Justice and punitive consequences: Prison sentences are often viewed as just sentences that adequately reflect the seriousness of the offenses committed. The elimination of prison sentences could be interpreted as impunity or too lenient a response to criminal behavior. It is important that the legal system consider both the protection of society and the just punishment of offenders.
  3. Victim protection and reparation: prison sentences allow victims to experience justice and feel safer. They also provide an opportunity for reparation, as offenders have a chance to reflect on their behavior and take responsibility to their victims during their time in prison. Eliminating incarceration could neglect the needs of victims and make it more difficult to recover from harm.