Should there be a general speed limit of 130 km/h on the freeway?

Poll results

Should there be a general speed limit of 130 km/h on the freeway?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 4364 respondents – 23.02.2024-29.02.2024

Poll information

Should there be a general speed limit of 130 km/h on the freeway? 48% voted in favor of a general speed limit of 130 km/h on the freeway, 49% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 4364 users of the PolitPro app during 23.02.2024-29.02.2024. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Road safety: a general speed limit of 130 km/h on the freeway could lead to a reduction in traffic accidents and injuries. A moderate speed limit allows better control of the vehicle and reduces the likelihood of serious accidents. It also shortens braking distances and improves reaction times, which increases safety for all road users.
  2. Environmental protection and climate change: A speed limit of 130 km/h reduces fuel consumption and harmful emissions. More consistent traffic speeds improve traffic flow, leading to more efficient use of fuel. This helps reduce the environmental impact of road traffic and combat climate change.
  3. Traffic flow and congestion reduction: a general speed limit of 130 km/h can lead to a smoother flow of traffic on the highway and reduce congestion. Harmonized speeds minimize overtaking maneuvers and sudden lane changes, leading to improved traffic safety and more efficient use of existing road capacity.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Driving pleasure and individual freedom: a speed limit of 130 km/h could be perceived as restricting individual freedom and driving pleasure. Some drivers enjoy going faster on the highway and perceive it as part of their driving experience. A general speed limit could be seen as unnecessary regulation that interferes with personal freedom of choice.
  2. Efficient mobility: a higher speed limit is justified on some sections of the freeway, where safe and smooth traffic flow is possible at higher speeds. A general speed limit could lead to longer travel times and impede traffic flow on certain sections.
  3. Driver responsibility: rather than introducing a general speed limit, the focus should be on encouraging road users to drive responsibly and adaptively. Better traffic education, speed limit awareness, and increased traffic monitoring can help raise awareness of the importance of obeying speed limits.