Should the Federal President be elected directly by the people?

Poll results

Should the Federal President be elected directly by the people?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3212 respondents – 18.08.2023-25.08.2023

Poll information

Should the Federal President be elected directly by the people? 100% voted for the direct election of the Federal President by the people, 30% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3212 users of the PolitPro app during 18.08.2023-25.08.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Strengthening democracy: The direct election of the Federal President by the people would strengthen democratic principles. By giving citizens the opportunity to directly elect their president, the legitimacy of the office increases. The people can cast their vote directly and thus have a direct stake in political decision-making.
  2. Proximity to the people: A federal president elected by the people would create greater proximity to the people. The president would no longer be determined solely by political parties or parliament, but would be the result of broad citizen participation. This would strengthen trust in political institutions and create a closer relationship between the president and the people.
  3. Independence from Parliament: The direct election of the Federal President would strengthen the independence of the office from Parliament. The president would no longer be exclusively dependent on political parties and could thus act more independently and neutrally. This would strengthen the checks and balances in the political system and promote the separation of powers.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Risk of polarization: The direct election of the federal president could lead to increased polarization. If the president is elected directly by the people, there is a risk that populist candidates or extreme political positions will gain influence. This could lead to a split in society and endanger political stability.
  2. Competence and expertise: A popularly elected president would not necessarily have to possess the necessary competence and expertise to adequately fill the office. Presidential election is often based on political preferences or notoriety rather than qualifications. It may be difficult to find a candidate who has both the political skills and the experience required for the office.
  3. Role of Parliament: The direct election of the federal president could weaken the role of parliament. Parliament would lose its powers to elect the head of state, which could lead to an imbalance in the separation of powers. Parliament plays an important role in overseeing the government and monitoring the executive branch. A direct election of the president could weaken these control mechanisms.