Should a zero-alcohol limit be introduced in road traffic?

Poll results

Should a zero-alcohol limit be introduced in road traffic?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 4240 respondents – 13.03.2024-20.03.2024

Poll information

Should a zero-alcohol limit be introduced in road traffic? 51% voted for the introduction of a zero-alcohol limit, 44% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 4240 users of the PolitPro app during 13.03.2024-20.03.2024. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Road safety: A zero-alcohol limit would increase road safety. Drinking and driving impairs reaction time, judgment and coordination skills. Introducing a zero alcohol limit clarifies that all alcohol consumption before or while driving is illegal, and eliminates gray areas that could lead to unsafe driving situations.
  2. Accident Prevention: Alcohol-related accidents can have serious consequences, including injuries, deaths, and property damage. A zero-alcohol limit would reduce the risk of alcohol-related crashes, saving lives. It is a clear and effective measure to combat drunk driving and make the roads safer.
  3. Deterrence: a zero alcohol limit would serve as a deterrent. The clear message that all drinking on the road is illegal could deter potential drivers from driving drunk. Fear of consequences, such as fines, license revocation, and prosecution, could help raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Social drinking culture: a zero alcohol limit could affect the social drinking culture. For many people, drinking alcohol is part of certain occasions or social activities. The introduction of a zero alcohol limit could lead to people having to forego such activities or find alternative means of transport, which would impose restrictions.
  2. Lack of proportionality: a zero-alcohol limit could be perceived as too strict. It is argued that small amounts of alcohol do not have a significant impact on driving performance and that a zero-alcohol-alcohol limit could be unnecessarily restrictive. Some argue that reasonable alcohol consumption is consistent with responsible driving and that there is no need to implement a zero-alcohol limit.
  3. Control Effort: Enforcing a zero-alcohol-alcohol limit would require a significant control effort. Police would need to conduct more breath tests and increase alcohol checks to ensure compliance with the limit. This would require additional resources and personnel, which could be costly and logistically challenging.