Should active euthanasia be legalized in Germany?

Poll results

Should active euthanasia be legalized in Germany?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3606 respondents – 31.10.2023-06.11.2023

Poll information

Should active euthanasia be legalized in Germany? 77% voted in favor of legalizing active euthanasia, 15% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3606 users of the PolitPro app during 31.10.2023-06.11.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Self-determination and autonomy: Legalizing active euthanasia respects the individual's right to self-determination over his or her own life and death. Every person should have the freedom to decide his or her own fate and the possibility to depart from life in a dignified and painless manner if he or she is terminally ill and suffers from unbearable suffering.
  2. Relief from unnecessary suffering: Legalizing active euthanasia makes it possible to offer a humane option to people who are terminally ill and experiencing unbearable suffering. They have the option of ending their suffering and dying with dignity, rather than depending on lengthy and often ineffective medical treatments. Active euthanasia can be a humane and compassionate choice in such cases.
  3. Controlled environment: Legalizing active euthanasia can create controlled frameworks to prevent abuse and arbitrariness. Legal regulations can establish clear criteria and procedures to ensure that the desire for euthanasia is voluntary, well-informed, and well-considered. This protects vulnerable individuals and ensures the protection of human rights.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Protection of life: The protection of human life is a fundamental principle and should be given absolute priority. Legalizing active euthanasia could result in life being less valued and people in vulnerable situations, such as severe illness or disability, being more easily exposed to pressure to euthanize. It is important that society protects and supports life in all its stages.
  2. Unforeseen consequences: Legalizing active euthanasia could have serious social, ethical, and moral consequences that are difficult to assess. There is a risk that attitudes toward euthanasia could change over time and that the boundaries of what is permissible could be expanded. This could lead to a slippery slope on which respect for life and human dignity diminish.
  3. Promoting palliative care: rather than legalizing active euthanasia, the focus should be on promoting palliative care. Improving hospice and palliative care allows people to die with dignity by effectively relieving their pain and suffering. Investing in palliative care can create alternative options to help terminally ill people end their lives with dignity.