Should Bundesliga clubs have to pay for the costs of police operations at soccer matches themselves?

Poll results

Should Bundesliga clubs have to pay for the costs of police operations at soccer matches themselves?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3748 respondents – 19.11.2023-25.11.2023

Poll information

Should Bundesliga clubs have to pay for the costs of police operations at soccer matches themselves? 77% voted that the clubs should pay for police operations at soccer matches, while 18% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3748 users of the PolitPro app during 19.11.2023-25.11.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Cost allocation: Bundesliga clubs generate considerable income from ticket sales, sponsorships and TV rights. It is therefore fair that they also pay for the costs of police operations. The general public should not have to pay solely for security measures that are specifically required for soccer matches.
  2. Responsibility of the clubs: Clubs share responsibility for security at their games. By covering the costs, they are encouraged to take preventive measures and ensure the safety of their events. This can lead to a more responsible approach to security issues and reduce potential risks.
  3. Resource Relief: Police have limited resources that they must use in a variety of ways. By having clubs cover the cost of police operations, the burden on public budgets is reduced. The resources freed up can instead be used for other important tasks, such as fighting crime and ensuring public safety.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Public interest: Soccer is an important social event that brings people together and is of great interest to many people. Ensuring security at soccer matches should therefore be considered a public responsibility, paid for by the general public. It would be unfair to impose these costs on the clubs alone.
  2. Financial burden on the clubs: Bundesliga clubs already bear high costs for match operations, player salaries and stadium infrastructure. The additional financial burden of bearing the police costs could overburden smaller clubs in particular and jeopardize their existence. This could lead to inequality between clubs and affect the competitiveness of the league.
  3. Police responsibilities: Security at public events, including soccer matches, is the responsibility of the police. By having the clubs bear the costs, this could lead to an undesirable privatization of public security measures. The police should be able to act independently and without financial dependencies in order to objectively fulfill their task of ensuring public safety.