Should voting rights be replaced by compulsory voting?

Poll results

Should voting rights be replaced by compulsory voting?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3894 respondents – 27.10.2023-03.11.2023

Poll information

Should voting rights be replaced by compulsory voting? 31% voted for compulsory voting, 65% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3894 users of the PolitPro app during 27.10.2023-03.11.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Strengthening democracy: Compulsory voting would strengthen citizens' engagement in democratic processes. By requiring everyone to vote, political participation is increased and everyone's voice is heard. Higher voter turnout leads to a more representative and stable democracy, as political decisions reflect the broad spectrum of society.
  2. Equality and opportunity: mandatory voting ensures that all citizens have an equal responsibility to participate in democratic decision-making. It eliminates the inequalities that can result from differences in voter turnout. Everyone has the same duty and right to cast their vote, regardless of social status, education or political persuasion.
  3. Avoiding extremes: Mandatory voting can help extremist parties or candidates gain less influence. If more people go to the polls, the possibility of extreme positions gaining disproportionate power is reduced. Increased voter turnout promotes more balanced political discourse and can help reduce political polarization.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Freedom of individual choice: Mandatory voting could be seen as an interference with individual freedom and the right to political self-determination. Everyone should have the freedom to decide for themselves whether or not to participate in elections. Compulsory voting could be perceived as coercion and could limit citizens' freedom of choice .
  2. Quality of elections: Compulsory voting could lead to people who are not really interested or informed being forced to cast their vote . This could lead to lower quality elections, as voters may make uninformed or ill - considered decisions . Voluntary voter turnout could help ensure that only those who actually care about the policy issues and want to make informed decisions vote .
  3. Penalties and Enforcement: making voting mandatory would also raise the issue of enforcement . Should penalties be imposed on those who do not comply with compulsory voting ? This could lead to legal and practical challenges . Implementing mandatory voting could be logistically difficult and require additional resources .
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