Should school dropouts be abolished?

Poll results

Should school dropouts be abolished?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3685 respondents – 08.11.2023-14.11.2023

Poll information

Should school dropouts be abolished? 18% voted in favor of abolishing compulsory sitting, while 75% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3685 users of the PolitPro app during 08.11.2023-14.11.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Individualized support: Sitting has proven to be an ineffective way to support students. Instead of simply having students repeat, they should be given individualized support to overcome their weaknesses. Through alternative educational approaches such as remedial programs, tutoring, and extra support, students can be better caught up and helped to achieve their learning goals.
  2. Motivation and self-confidence: Being left behind in school can lead to a significant loss of motivation and self-confidence in students. Instead of demotivating students and putting them in a negative spiral, they should be encouraged to overcome their difficulties and achieve their goals. Individualized support and a positive learning environment can help keep students motivated and boost their confidence.
  3. Equality of opportunity: Being left behind in school affects students from socially disadvantaged families in particular more severely. They often do not have the same resources and support options as their peers. By abolishing the need to sit out school, equal opportunities and educational equity can be promoted. Alternative measures should be taken to provide better educational opportunities for students from difficult backgrounds.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Performance norms and standards: The use of the "no-sit" policy serves as a tool to maintain certain performance norms and standards. It ensures that students meet certain minimum standards before advancing to the next grade. Without sitting, students could be at risk of lowering standards and advancing with inadequate skills.
  2. Preparing students for the real world: Sitting retentions reflect the reality that there are consequences for underachievement in many areas of life. It prepares students for the demands and competition of the world of work, where performance and competence are of great importance. Sitting out can teach students an important lesson about responsibility and the consequences of choices.
  3. Time Management and Discipline: Sitting out can help students develop important skills such as time management, discipline, and perseverance. It teaches them to use their time effectively, fulfill their responsibilities, and focus on their academic performance.