Should BAföG generally be paid out regardless of parental income?

Poll results

Should BAföG generally be paid out regardless of parental income?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3046 respondents – 08.08.2023-15.08.2023

Poll information

Should BAföG generally be paid out regardless of parental income? 55% voted in favor of BAföG being paid out regardless of parental income, while 40% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3046 users of the PolitPro app during 08.08.2023-15.08.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Equality of opportunity: Independent payment of BAföG would lead to more equality of opportunity. Currently, the amount of BAföG is based on parental income, which can lead to a financial burden for many students, even if their parents have low incomes. With an independent disbursement, BAföG would provide all students, regardless of their parents' financial situation, with an equal opportunity to finance their education.
  2. Relief for parents: an independent payment of BAföG would also mean financial relief for parents. Currently, parents whose income is above the established threshold must pay a portion of the cost of tuition. An independent disbursement would mean that parents would no longer be financially burdened and could focus on other expenses.
  3. Motivation and personal responsibility: An independent disbursement of BAföG could strengthen students' motivation and personal responsibility. If students receive BAföG regardless of their parents' financial situation, they can finance their education independently and focus on their studies. This could lead to better academic performance and a higher graduation rate.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Costs and affordability: Independent payment of BAföG would mean higher costs for the state. If BAföG is paid out regardless of parental income, the state would have to provide more funding to meet the increased demand. This could place a financial burden on the state budget and affect other areas of education support.
  2. Targeting support: The BAföG system is currently based on the idea that students whose parents have higher incomes need less financial support than those with lower incomes. Independent disbursement would change this principle and potentially support students who are less financially needy.
  3. Abuse and Injustice: Independent disbursement of BAföG could lead to abuse and injustice. If BAföG is granted regardless of parental income, students with well-off parents could receive BAföG even though they are not financially dependent on it. This could lead to a distributional inequality and disadvantage students who actually need financial support.