Should private health insurers be abolished and replaced by a citizens' insurance for all?

Poll results

Should private health insurers be abolished and replaced by a citizens' insurance for all?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3234 respondents – 17.08.2023-24.08.2023

Poll information

Should private health insurers be abolished and replaced by a citizens' insurance for all? 64% voted that private health insurers should be abolished and replaced by a citizens' insurance scheme, while 29% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3234 users of the PolitPro app during 17.08.2023-24.08.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Equality in the health care system: The abolition of private health insurance and the introduction of a citizens' insurance would lead to more equality in the health care system. Every citizen would have the same access to health care and the same insurance coverage, regardless of their income or insurance status. This would reduce social inequalities and ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to receive medical treatment and care.
  2. Cost Control and Efficiency: Citizens' insurance would have the potential to better control costs in the health care system and make it more efficient. A single insurance requirement could reduce administrative costs and simplify price negotiations with providers. This would lead to cost savings and use resources more effectively.
  3. Solidarity and financial stability: A citizens' insurance scheme would be based on a solidarity-based financing system in which all citizens contribute according to their financial means. This would achieve a fairer distribution of costs in the health care system and ensure financial stability in the long term. Risk would be spread over a broader population base, resulting in fairer and more sustainable financing.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Freedom of choice and individual needs: Private health insurance plans offer policyholders greater freedom of choice and allow individualized options for their health care. Some people value the ability to choose specific coverage that meets their individual needs and preferences. Eliminating private health insurance could limit this freedom of choice and lead to a reduced range of services.
  2. Quality and diversity of care: Private health insurance contributes to the diversity and quality of health care by providing additional services and faster access to certain treatments. Citizen insurance could standardize the range of services and lead to standardization, which could limit the diversity and quality of care.
  3. Competition and innovation: competition among private health insurers promotes innovation and progress in health care. Eliminating private health insurers could reduce the incentive for new ideas and improvements in the health care system. Some competition may help providers continuously improve their services to satisfy insureds.