Should Germany leave the EU?

Poll results

Should Germany leave the EU?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3673 respondents – 29.11.2023-05.12.2023

Poll information

Should Germany leave the EU? 25% voted that Germany should leave the EU, while 72% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3673 users of the PolitPro app during 29.11.2023-05.12.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Sovereignty and national control: Leaving the EU would give Germany more sovereignty and national control over policy decisions. As an independent state, Germany would be able to set its own laws and regulations without depending on the decisions of EU members. This would allow Germany to better represent its own interests and preserve its national identity.
  2. Financial relief: An EU exit could relieve Germany financially. As one of the largest net contributors to the EU, Germany could reduce its financial burden and use its funds for national priorities. By eliminating membership dues and EU funding, Germany could use its resources more efficiently and make independent decisions about its spending.
  3. Strengthening the national economy: An EU exit could offer Germany the opportunity to shape its trade relations and economic strategies independently. Through bilateral agreements and the ability to pursue its own trade policies, Germany could leverage its economic strength and strengthen its position in the global marketplace.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Peace, stability and security: The EU has played a crucial role in promoting peace, stability and security in Europe. Germany's withdrawal from the EU could weaken the sense of cohesion and cooperation in Europe . The EU provides a framework for diplomatic negotiations, conflict resolution, and joint security measures that are of great importance to Germany and Europe .
  2. Economic advantages: The EU offers economic benefits to Germany, particularly through access to the EU's single market. Free trade and the common market have led to increased trade, investment, and economic growth. Leaving the EU could lead to trade barriers, tariffs, and other restrictions that could negatively impact the German economy.
  3. Cooperation and global challenges: The EU enables Germany to work with other member states to address global challenges, such as climate change, migration, and terrorism. By sharing information, resources and expertise, Germany can respond more effectively to these challenges and find solutions as part of the EU.
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