Should party donations be banned in principle?

Poll results

Should party donations be banned in principle?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3336 respondents – 24.08.2023-31.08.2023

Poll information

Should party donations be banned in principle? 43% of respondents were in favor of a general ban on party donations, while 50% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3336 users of the PolitPro app during 24.08.2023-31.08.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Fighting corruption: A ban on party donations can help prevent corruption and illegal influence on political decisions. Parties should act independently of financial interests and in the best interest of the public. A ban on party donations protects the integrity of the political system.
  2. Equality of opportunity: A ban on party donations ensures a fairer equality of opportunity between parties. Smaller parties or political newcomers often have difficulty keeping up with established parties in terms of financial resources and support. Banning party donations reduces financial disparities and makes the political landscape more diverse and democratic.
  3. Transparency and trust: A ban on party donations strengthens transparency in political financing and helps build trust between citizens and politicians. It allows for better tracking of money flows and prevents potential conflicts of interest. The public has the right to know where financial support for parties comes from.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Democratic participation: party donations allow individuals, organizations and companies to support political processes and actively engage in the democratic process. Banning party donations could be seen as restricting political participation and interfering with the right to freedom of expression and political engagement.
  2. Financing election campaigns: Party donations play an important role in financing election campaigns. They allow parties to spread their messages, reach voters, and promote political programs. Banning party donations could make campaign financing more difficult and bias the political landscape in favor of financially stronger candidates or parties.
  3. Regulation instead of a ban: Instead of banning party donations in principle, stricter regulations and transparency requirements could be introduced. This could help prevent potential abuses while preserving democratic engagement and political diversity.