Should expectant parents be required to take mandatory state pedagogical training ("parent driver's license")?

Poll results

Should expectant parents be required to take mandatory state pedagogical training ("parent driver's license")?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3253 respondents – 31.07.2023-07.08.2023

Poll information

Should expectant parents be required to take mandatory state pedagogical training ("parent driver's license")? 38% voted in favor of a mandatory parent driver's license, con% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3253 users of the PolitPro app during 31.07.2023-07.08.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Promoting parenting skills: A mandatory parenting driver's license would help expectant parents acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to best parent their children. The training could help them better understand their children's needs, teach them the necessary educational techniques, and help them build positive relationships. As a result, parents could improve their parenting behaviors and contribute to the healthy development of their children.
  2. Prevention of child abuse and neglect: A mandatory parenting license could help reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect. By teaching children the basics of child development, how to recognize signs of abuse or neglect, and how to manage stress and conflict, parents could be better prepared to appropriately address their children's needs and avoid potentially harmful behavior.
  3. Equal opportunities for children: a mandatory parent driver's license could help improve equal opportunities for all children. By completing educational training, parents are given tools and resources to best support their children. This could especially benefit disadvantaged families who may have less access to resources and information. A parent driver's license could help improve children's educational and developmental opportunities regardless of their social background.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Restricting individual freedom: a mandatory parent driver's license could be seen as interfering with individual freedom and the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit. Parents should have the right to decide for themselves which educational approaches they want to pursue, as long as the welfare of their children is not at risk. A mandatory parenting license could be perceived as excessive government interference.
  2. Availability and accessibility of training: It could be challenging to provide enough educational training to meet demand, especially in rural areas or for parents with limited access to educational services. In addition, the cost and time required to attend such trainings could be a barrier. Thus, a mandatory parent driver's license could lead to inequities, as not all parents would have the same opportunities to participate in training.
  3. Insufficient effectiveness: there is a possibility that a mandatory parent driver's license may not achieve the desired results. Parenting is a complex process influenced by a variety of individual and social factors. Simply attending a training course does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in parenting skills or child well-being. Other supportive interventions, such as counseling or parental support networks, could potentially be more effective in assisting parents.