Should the railroads be nationalized again?

Poll results

Should the railroads be nationalized again?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3348 respondents – 06.07.2023-13.07.2023

Poll information

Should the railroads be nationalized again? 72% of respondents are in favor of nationalizing the railroads, while 21% are against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3348 users of the PolitPro app during 06.07.2023-13.07.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Efficiency and quality: nationalization of the railroads could lead to a more efficient and higher quality service. The state would have the ability to set the strategic direction of the railroad and make long-term investments to modernize infrastructure and improve service. This could improve punctuality, reliability, and comfort.
  2. Public interest: As a state-owned enterprise, the railroad could be more responsive to the needs of society. The focus would not be primarily on profit maximization, but on providing public transportation that is accessible to all. This could lead to fair prices, better access to rural areas and a more sustainable transport system.
  3. Integration and transportation transformation: A state-owned railroad would have the opportunity to better integrate public transit into the overall concept of transportation transformation. Linking rail, bus, and other modes of transportation could create seamless and environmentally friendly mobility solutions. Nationalization could also help to make the use of public transport more attractive and thus reduce private transport.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Competition and innovation: a privately run company could compete more effectively and drive innovation. Competition would allow different providers to compete for customers, thereby offering better services and lower prices. Nationalization could reduce rail competitiveness and lead to a decline in innovation.
  2. Costs and government spending: Nationalizing the railroads would incur significant costs and increase government spending. The state would have to pay for the purchase of the company and for necessary investments. Financing these expenses could lead to an additional burden on the budget and affect other public sectors such as education and health.
  3. Bureaucracy and politicization: Nationalization could lead to increased bureaucracy and political influence. Decisions would not always be based solely on economic criteria, but could also be influenced by political considerations. This could lead to inefficient structures and less flexibility.