Should smoking be banned in public?

Poll results

Should smoking be banned in public?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 4159 respondents – 22.11.2023-29.11.2023

Poll information

Should smoking be banned in public? Poll results: 42% voted in favor of banning smoking in public, 53% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 4159 users of the PolitPro app during 22.11.2023-29.11.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Health Protection: Banning smoking in public would promote health protection. Secondhand smoke can cause serious health problems such as respiratory disease, heart disease, and cancer. Banning smoking in public areas would protect nonsmokers from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and improve the health of the entire population.
  2. Protecting children and adolescents: Smoking in public places can be particularly harmful to children and adolescents, who are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Banning smoking in public would help protect them from these dangers and provide them with a smoke-free environment in which to grow up.
  3. Environmental Protection: Smoking products, such as cigarette butts, pose a significant environmental burden. They litter streets, parks and other public areas. Banning smoking in public places would reduce these negative environmental impacts. It would contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment and reduce the cost of cleaning and disposing of cigarette butts.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Restriction of Personal Liberty: Banning smoking in public could be considered a restriction of personal liberty. Smokers should have the right to smoke in public as long as they do not inconvenience or endanger others. A ban could be perceived as excessive government control and interference in personal decisions.
  2. Enforcement and control: a ban on smoking in public could be difficult to enforce. It would be a challenge to ensure that the ban is respected and adhered to. Monitoring and enforcing the bans could require additional resources and costs. Clear guidelines and penalties for violations would need to be established.
  3. Social exclusion of smokers: banning smoking in public could stigmatize smokers and promote social exclusion. Smokers could feel discriminated against and may have difficulty finding places where they are allowed to smoke. A balance should be struck between protecting nonsmokers and respecting the rights and needs of smokers.