Should fracking be allowed in Germany?

Poll results

Should fracking be allowed in Germany?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3146 respondents – 10.07.2023-17.07.2023

Poll information

Should fracking be allowed in Germany? 30% of respondents are in favor of fracking being allowed in Germany, while 61% are against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3146 users of the PolitPro app during 10.07.2023-17.07.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Energy security and independence: Fracking could help reduce Germany's energy dependence on foreign suppliers. By tapping domestic shale gas reserves, Germany could use its own energy resources and strengthen its energy security.
  2. Economic benefits: Allowing fracking could bring economic benefits. Shale gas extraction could create new jobs and direct investment to regions where fracking occurs. This could spur economic development and growth in those areas.
  3. Technological progress: fracking is an established technology that is used successfully in some countries. Allowing fracking in Germany could help drive technological know-how and innovation in this field. This could lead to Germany becoming a leader in energy technology and strengthen its position as a technological pioneer.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Environmental impact: Fracking poses significant environmental risks. The use of chemicals and pumping of large amounts of water can lead to groundwater pollution, soil contamination and other negative environmental impacts. The potential damage to the environment and human health is a significant concern and could have long-term effects.
  2. Climate change: the extraction of shale gas through fracking can lead to the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Methane has a much higher climate impact than carbon dioxide, which can exacerbate climate change. Given the urgency of addressing climate change, fracking could be considered an unsustainable energy source.
  3. Promote Renewable Energy: Allowing fracking could slow the expansion of renewable energy. Investments in fracking could drain funds and resources needed to expand clean and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Promoting renewable energy should be a priority to advance the energy transition and ensure long-term sustainability.