Should cars of extreme speeders be able to be impounded?

Poll results

Should cars of extreme speeders be able to be impounded?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3227 respondents – 27.06.2023-04.07.2023

Poll information

Should cars of extreme speeders be able to be impounded? 78% of respondents are in favor of cars of extreme speeders being able to be impounded, while 18% are against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3227 users of the PolitPro app during 27.06.2023-04.07.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Road safety: impounding cars of extreme reckless drivers could help improve road safety. Speeding and reckless driving pose a significant danger to other road users. Confiscating the vehicles of these drivers deprives them of the means to continue committing potentially deadly offenses and endangering the lives of others.
  2. Deterrent Effect: Confiscating cars from extremely reckless drivers could have a deterrent effect on other potential speeders. If drivers see that their vehicles can be confiscated if they do not obey traffic laws, they might be more likely to be encouraged to drive responsibly and safely. This could lead to an overall reduction in speeding and reckless behavior on the roads.
  3. Protecting society: drivers who repeatedly speed recklessly show a clear disregard for the safety of other road users. Impounding their cars serves to protect society by removing these dangerous vehicles from circulation. It is a measure to put the greater good above the individual right to own a vehicle.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Rule of law and proportionality: confiscation of cars is a drastic interference with property rights. It could be argued that such a measure is only justified in exceptional cases where there is an imminent danger to the lives and safety of others. The proportionality of the seizure must be carefully weighed to ensure that it does not become too broad and adequately respects the legal system.
  2. Alternative Sanctions: In lieu of impoundment, alternative sanctions could be considered to hold extreme speeders accountable. These might include increased fines, driver's license suspension, or long-term probation. It is important to ensure that sanctions are appropriate and effective in punishing the reckless behavior and holding the driver accountable.
  3. Prevention and education: rather than focusing solely on car impoundment, more emphasis should be placed on prevention and education. Measures such as traffic education, intensive surveillance, and increased police presence could help identify speeders early and raise awareness of the risks of reckless driving.