Should all students go to a common school until age 14?

Poll results

Should all students go to a common school until age 14?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3639 respondents – 15.09.2023-22.09.2023

Poll information

Should all students go to a common school until age 14? 41% of respondents are in favor of introducing a common school until the age of 14, while 50% are against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3639 users of the PolitPro app during 15.09.2023-22.09.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Equality of Opportunity: a common school allows for greater equality of opportunity for all students. By learning together and supporting each other, students can discover their strengths, learn from others, and develop in a diverse environment. This promotes educational success regardless of social background or individual differences.
  2. Social integration: a shared school promotes social integration and respectful interaction. Students of different backgrounds, abilities and interests have the opportunity to get to know and benefit from each other. The exchange of experiences and perspectives promotes tolerance, openness and respectful interaction.
  3. Flexibility and individual support: A joint school offers the opportunity to support students individually and to discover their talents. Through differentiated learning opportunities and flexible teaching methods, students can shape their own learning path and develop their full potential. This supports holistic development and better prepares students for the demands of secondary school.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Different needs and developmental paces: Students have different needs and developmental paces. A common school could result in students with different levels of achievement and learning speeds not receiving appropriate support. A differentiated school structure can better address individual needs and provide targeted support.
  2. Diversity of educational pathways: A diversity of educational pathways offers students the opportunity to learn according to their own interests and strengths. Early separation into different types of schools allows students to pursue their individual educational goals and prepare specifically for certain career fields or academic careers.
  3. Implementation Challenges: Implementing a common school through age 14 presents significant challenges. It requires extensive resources, qualified teachers, and appropriate pedagogical approaches to meet the diverse needs of students. This could place a financial burden on the education system.