United Kingdom: Political parties at a glance

Parties in comparison


Explanation of the chart

The graph shows the economic orientation of the parties on the X-axis from left to right. The further left, the more actively the state should intervene via taxes, regulations and redistribution. The further to the right, the less the state should intervene.

On the Y-axis from top to bottom, the parties are categorized according to their life models. The further up a party, the more it prioritizes liberal lifestyles over traditional views and material goods. The further down, the more a party aligns itself with traditional lifestyles and sees the state as the moral authority for living together.

Data was collected through the 2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey by more than 400 policy experts. Party positions may change over time. Therefore, the chart serves only as an overview and cannot make statements about specific political topics.

Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2020. “2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey.” - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Labour Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 33.7%
Part of the Government
The Labour Party is a social democratic party in the United Kingdom, founded in 1900 to give a political voice to the interests of the labor movement. It positions itself in the center-left spectrum and advocates for social justice, equal opportunities, and the expansion of public services. After 14 years in opposition, Labour, under the leadership of Keir Starmer, won the parliamentary elections in 2024 by a significant majority and has since formed the government.


Conservative and Unionist Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 23.7%
The Conservative Party, colloquially known as the Tories, is a center-right party in the United Kingdom with a long history. It emphasizes individual freedom, a market economy, and minimal state intervention in the economy. Traditionally, it supports the British monarchy and represents conservative values. In recent years, it has played a central role in Brexit and the reshaping of relations with the European Union.

Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats
Liberal politics
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 12.2%
The Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems) are a socially liberal center-left party in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1988 through the merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party, they advocate for civil rights, social justice, and environmental protection. They promote liberal and progressive values and seek a stronger role for the state in social matters. Between 2010 and 2015, they were part of the governing coalition with the Conservatives.

Scottish National Party

Scottish National Party
Regional interests
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 2.5%
The Scottish National Party (SNP) is a social democratic party in Scotland that advocates for the independence of Scotland from the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1934 and is currently the largest political party in Scotland. The SNP forms the Scottish government and pursues a policy focused on social justice, the expansion of public services, and the promotion of renewable energy. Its current leader is John Swinney.

Sinn Féin

We Ourselves
Regional interests
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 0.7%
Sinn Féin is an Irish republican and democratic socialist party that is active in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Founded in 1905, it advocates for the unification of Ireland. Historically, the party was associated with the IRA, but today it pursues exclusively peaceful political goals. In recent years, Sinn Féin has gained significance and is the largest nationalist party in Northern Ireland. It is also experiencing growing political influence in the Republic of Ireland.

Democratic Unionist Party

Democratic Unionist Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 0.6%
The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is a political party founded in 1971 in Northern Ireland. It represents a unionist and British nationalist position, advocates for Northern Ireland to remain in the United Kingdom, and opposes a reunification with Ireland. The DUP is known for its conservative views on social issues, including its rejection of abortion and same-sex marriage.

Reform UK

Reform UK
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 14.3%
Reform UK is a right-wing populist party in the United Kingdom, founded in 2019 as the Brexit Party. Under the leadership of Nigel Farage, it advocates for the sovereignty of Great Britain, strict immigration controls, and the rejection of climate protection measures. The party won five seats in the House of Commons in the parliamentary elections in July 2024 and aims to challenge the established parties.

Green Party

Green Party
Environment & Climate
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 6.4%
The Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) is a left-wing political party that advocates for environmental and climate protection, social justice, and a sustainable economy. Founded in 1990 from the former Green Party UK, it advocates for an ecological transformation of society.

Plaid Cymru

Party of Wales
Regional interests
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 0.7%
Plaid Cymru, founded in 1925, is a Welsh nationalist party that advocates for the independence of Wales within the European Union. It follows a social democratic orientation focused on social justice, economic prosperity, and the protection of the Welsh language and culture.

Social Democratic and Labour Party

Social Democratic and Labour Party
Regional interests
EU Parliament
Election Trend
The Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) is a social democratic and Irish nationalist party in Northern Ireland. Founded in 1970, it advocates for social justice, equality, and the peaceful reunification of Ireland. The SDLP rejects violence and promotes political solutions to the challenges of Northern Ireland. It supports LGBT rights, the expansion of social housing, and measures against climate change.