Latest Polling Data and election polls for Green Party

Green Party

Green Party
Environment & Climate
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 6.4%
The Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) is a left-wing political party that advocates for environmental and climate protection, social justice, and a sustainable economy. Founded in 1990 from the former Green Party UK, it advocates for an ecological transformation of society.

History and Development of the Green Party

The origins of the Green Party of England and Wales date back to 1972 when the party was founded under the name 'PEOPLE'. In 1975 it was renamed 'Ecology Party' and finally in 1985 to 'Green Party'. In 1990, the original Green Party split into three regional parties: the Green Party of England and Wales, the Scottish Greens, and the Green Party in Northern Ireland. Since then, the GPEW has operated independently in England and Wales and has advocated for ecological and social issues.

Goals and Core Values of the Party

The Green Party aims to create a sustainable and just society. Its core principles include social justice, environmental responsibility, grassroots democracy, and non-violence. The party advocates for a radical transformation of society to benefit both people and the planet.

Political Positions and Main Concerns

The GPEW positions itself as a left-wing party with a strong focus on environmental policy. It calls for measures against climate change, the expansion of renewable energy, and the protection of biodiversity. Additionally, it advocates for social justice, including combating inequality and promoting public services. The party also supports greater decentralization of political power and promotes grassroots democratic approaches.

Current Political Initiatives

In its manifesto for the 2024 parliamentary elections, the Green Party emphasized the necessity of a green economic transformation. It planned investments of £40 billion per year to promote the transition to a sustainable economy. Additionally, the party called for the introduction of a CO₂ tax to displace fossil fuels from the economy and generate funds for the green transition.

Election Results

Historical Election Results


Where does Green Party currently stand?

In the current election trend Green Party reaches 8.3% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of +1.9 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states Green Party currently reaches .

What are the political positions of Green Party?

The Greens place a strong emphasis on environmental protection, social justice, sustainability, and democracy. They advocate for a green economy and social equality.

Is Green Party left-wing or right-wing?

Green Party is a center-left party.

What does Greens stand for?

Greens is the abbreviation for Green Party.