Frie Grønne
Independent Greens – Denmark's New Left-Wing PartyEnvironment & Climate
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Frie Grønne (Free Greens) is a relatively new political party in Denmark, founded in 2020. The party has its roots in the environmental movement and the desire for green and sustainable political solutions.
Frie Grønne places a strong emphasis on environmental protection and sustainability. The party advocates for the expansion of renewable energy, nature conservation, and the fight against climate change.
In the last election, the party reached 0.9% of the votes. In the current election trend, Frie Grønne is at 1.1%. This is a difference of +0.2 compared to the last election result.
Election Results
Historical Election Results
What are the political positions of Frie Grønne?
Frie Grønne places a strong emphasis on environmental protection and sustainability. The party advocates for the expansion of renewable energy, nature conservation, and the fight against climate change.
Is Frie Grønne left-wing or right-wing?
Frie Grønne is a left-wing party.
What does Q stand for?
Q is the abbreviation for Frie Grønne – Danmarks nye venstrefløjsparti.