PolitPro - Politik, News & Wahltrends

Election calendar


This is PolitPro

PolitPro makes politics and political data from Europe understandable for everyone. For this, up-to-date data from various sources is collected, combined and reprocessed on a daily basis.

Election polls are combined in the PolitPro Election Trend and thus depict a long-term trend that is robust against outliers of individual election polls. Combined with compact information around parties, governments, the reliability of polling institutes and more, the political mood of all European countries becomes understandable at a glance.

To make politics tangible, PolitPro puts a strong focus on interactive participation. Anyone can participate in community polls on current political topics via the app or explain their own point of view in fair discussions in the PolitPro Community.

Started in fall 2018 as a hobby project around current polls, PolitPro has now established itself as a reliable player in political education. In addition to school projects and final theses at universities, data from PolitPro is popularly used as a neutral source of information in well-known news portals, research as well as on German television.

PolitPro is not only available on the web, but also as an app in the App Store and Google Play. Accounts on the most popular social media channels round out the offering.

PolitPro in the Media (Selection)

Federal Agency for Civic Education Germany
The Federal Agency for Civic Education recommends PolitPro as a source for information about political parties in France.
ORF - Austrian Public Broadcaster
ORF uses polling data from PolitPro for coverage of the parliamentary election in Greece.
CNN cites current polling data from PolitPro in an article about Chancellor Scholz’s confidence vote.

German Bundestag
In the draft legislation for the decriminalization of dumpster diving, the DIE LINKE parliamentary group references a survey conducted by the PolitPro community.
Austrian Parliament
An Austrian Parliament dossier on the UK parliamentary election uses PolitPro to present information about the parties.

Election Polls and Trends
MDR explains the significance of Sunday polls and contextualizes the PolitPro election trend within these surveys.
Election polls
Casted votes