Latest Polling Data and election polls for Jaunā Vienotība

Jaunā Vienotība

New Unity
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 19.1%
Part of the Government
Jaunā Vienotība, which translates to 'New Unity,' was founded in 2010 and emerged from the merger of several political forces. Since its inception, the party has established itself as a significant political force in Latvia.
Jaunā Vienotība advocates for democracy, the rule of law, and European values. The party emphasizes the importance of freedom of expression, human rights, and social justice.
In the last election, the party reached 19.1% of the votes. In the current election trend, Jaunā Vienotība is at 12.0%. This is a difference of -7.1 compared to the last election result. The party is represented in the current parliament with 23 Seats.

Election Results

Historical Election Results

Current government participation

Government Coalitions


Explanation of the Table

The overview shows all current government participations of Jaunā Vienotība. The first column shows the parliament in which Jaunā Vienotība is governing. The colored bars show all parties involved in the government. A single bar indicates a government without a coalition partner. Two bars stand for government coalitions of 2 parties. Coalitions of 3 parties are shown with three bars.


Where does Jaunā Vienotība currently stand?

In the current election trend Jaunā Vienotība reaches 12% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of -7.1 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states Jaunā Vienotība currently reaches .

What are the political positions of Jaunā Vienotība?

Jaunā Vienotība advocates for democracy, the rule of law, and European values. The party emphasizes the importance of freedom of expression, human rights, and social justice.

Is Jaunā Vienotība left-wing or right-wing?

Jaunā Vienotība is a center-right party.

Which faction in the EU Parliament does Jaunā Vienotība belong to?

Jaunā Vienotība sympathizes with the faction EPP (European People’s Party) in the EU Parliament.

What does JV stand for?

JV is the abbreviation for Jaunā Vienotība.