Switzerland: Political parties at a glance

Parties in comparison


Explanation of the chart

The graph shows the economic orientation of the parties on the X-axis from left to right. The further left, the more actively the state should intervene via taxes, regulations and redistribution. The further to the right, the less the state should intervene.

On the Y-axis from top to bottom, the parties are categorized according to their life models. The further up a party, the more it prioritizes liberal lifestyles over traditional views and material goods. The further down, the more a party aligns itself with traditional lifestyles and sees the state as the moral authority for living together.

Data was collected through the 2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey by more than 400 policy experts. Party positions may change over time. Therefore, the chart serves only as an overview and cannot make statements about specific political topics.

Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2020. “2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey.” - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Swiss People's Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend

SVP/UDC (Schweizerische Volkspartei / Union démocratique du centre) is a right-wing party and currently represented in parliament with 62 MPs.

The SVP advocates conservative and nationalist values. It emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty, preserving Swiss culture, and limiting immigration.


Social Democratic Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend

SP/PS (Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz / Parti socialiste suisse) is a center-left party that is currently represented in the parliament with 41 MPs.

The SP advocates social democratic values and is dedicated to social justice, equality, and environmental protection.


The Center
EU Parliament
Election Trend

DM/LC (Die Mitte / Le Centre) is a center-right party that is currently represented in parliament with 29 seats.

DM advocates Christian conservative values and is dedicated to promoting family, community, and social justice.


FDP. The liberals
Liberal politics
EU Parliament
Election Trend

FDP/PLR (FDP. Die Liberalen / PLR. Les Libéraux-Radicaux) is a liberal party that is currently represented in parliament with 28 seats.

FDP advocates liberal values, including individual freedom, free-market economics, and the rule of law. It emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and entrepreneurship.


Green Party
Environment & Climate
EU Parliament
Election Trend

G/LV (GRÜNE Schweiz / les VERTES) is a green party and currently represented in parliament with 23 MPs.

The Greens advocate for progressive values, including environmental protection, social justice, and an open society. They promote sustainability and equality.


Green Liberal Party
Liberal politics
EU Parliament
Election Trend

GLP/PVL (Grünliberale Partei Schweiz / Parti vert’libéral Suisse) is a liberal party that is currently represented in the parliament with 10 MPs.

GLP advocates liberal and ecological values. It emphasizes environmental protection, sustainability, and the protection of individual freedoms. At the same time, it promotes a social market economy.


Federal Democratic Union / Union Démocratique Fédérale
EU Parliament
Election Trend

EDU/UDF (Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union) is a right-wing party that is currently represented in the parliament with 2 MPs.

EDU represents conservative and evangelical values such as strengthening the traditional family, protecting the unborn life, and emphasizing Christian principles in politics.


Evangelical People's Party
EU Parliament
Election Trend

EVP/PEV (Evangelische Volkspartei der Schweiz / Parti évangelique suisse) is a text.party-info-orientation-center that is currently represented in parliament with 2 seats.

EVP represents Christian values such as charity, solidarity, and responsibility. It advocates for social justice, environmental protection, and the sanctity of life.


Geneva Citizens' Movement
EU Parliament
Election Trend

MCG (Mouvement citoyens genevois) is a right-wing party and currently represented in parliament with 2 MPs.


League of the Tessins
EU Parliament
Election Trend

LEGA (Lega der Tessiner / Ligue des Tessinois) is a right-wing party and currently represented in parliament with 1 MPs.