Latest Polling Data and election polls for DA-CC


Democrats for Andorra - Committed Citizens
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 32.7%
Part of the Government
The alliance between DA (Demòcrates per Andorra) and Ciutadans Compromesos was formed in 2019. The parties joined forces to pursue common political goals in Andorra and influence the country's political landscape.
The alliance upholds liberal and democratic values. It emphasizes the importance of the rule of law, personal freedoms, and social justice.
In the last election, the party reached 32.7% of the votes. In the current election trend, DA-CC is at 32.7%. This is a difference of ±0.0 compared to the last election result. The party is represented in the current parliament with 16 Seats.

Election Results

Historical Election Results

Current government participation

Government Coalitions


Explanation of the Table

The overview shows all current government participations of DA-CC. The first column shows the parliament in which DA-CC is governing. The colored bars show all parties involved in the government. A single bar indicates a government without a coalition partner. Two bars stand for government coalitions of 2 parties. Coalitions of 3 parties are shown with three bars.


Where does DA-CC currently stand?

In the current election trend DA-CC reaches 32.7% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of ±0.0 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states DA-CC currently reaches .

What are the political positions of DA-CC?

The alliance upholds liberal and democratic values. It emphasizes the importance of the rule of law, personal freedoms, and social justice.

Is DA-CC left-wing or right-wing?

DA-CC is a center-right party.

What does DA-CC stand for?

DA-CC is the abbreviation for Demòcrates per Andorra - Ciutadans Compromesos.