Latest Polling Data and election polls for AVS


Italian Left / Green Europe
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 3.6%
The Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (AVS) is a political alliance in Italy, founded on July 2, 2022. It brings together the parties Sinistra Italiana (SI) and Europa Verde (EV) and represents a leftist, environmentally oriented ideology. AVS advocates for social justice, environmental protection, and sustainable development.

Founding and Composition of AVS

The Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (AVS) was founded on July 2, 2022, and unites the parties Sinistra Italiana (SI) and Europa Verde (EV). This collaboration aims to form a strong political force that unites leftist and green values. The AVS is known as a 'red-green' alliance and is led by spokespersons Angelo Bonelli (EV) and Nicola Fratoianni (SI).

Political Orientation and Goals

The AVS pursues a progressive and ecological agenda. It advocates for social justice, environmental protection, and sustainable development. The alliance emphasizes the importance of human rights, equality, and social inclusion. It aims for a socialist democracy that combines ecological sustainability with social justice.

Election Results and Parliamentary Representation

In the 2022 parliamentary elections, the AVS achieved 3.6% of the votes and is represented by 12 deputies in the Chamber of Deputies and 4 senators in the Senate. In the 2024 European elections, the alliance was able to increase its result to 6.7% and now has 6 deputies in the European Parliament.

Election Results

Historical Election Results


Where does AVS currently stand?

In the current election trend AVS reaches 6.1% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of +2.5 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states AVS currently reaches .

What are the political positions of AVS?

AVS advocates progressive and ecological values. They are committed to environmental protection, social justice, and promoting sustainable development.

Is AVS left-wing or right-wing?

AVS is a left-wing party.

What does AVS stand for?

AVS is the abbreviation for Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra.