Who is leading the election trend?
In the current election trend for the State election in Lower Saxony, CDU is leading with 30%, followed by SPD with 29%, AfD with 21%, Grüne with 11%, FDP with 4% and Die Linke with 2%. Other parties reach 3%.
Next election: 2027
The next parliamentary election in Lower Saxony is expected to take place in 2027.
Government might not stay in office
In the current election trend, the government parties receive 44.0% of the votes.
Development since the last election on 09.10.2022
Who could enter parliament?
In the current election trend, 4 parties could enter parliament: SPD reaches 43 MPs, Grüne reaches 16 MPs, CDU reaches 45 MPs and AfD reaches 31 MPs.
5% restrictive clause
The restrictive clause is 5%.
Majority from 68 MPs
To form a government, 68 of 135 MPs are required.
CDU + Grüne
SPD + Grüne
Majority requires 68 seats
Lower Saxony — National parliament voting intention
The State election in Lower Saxony 2027 will probably take place in 2027. Once the results are in, the election results will be posted on this page.
Stephan Weil is currently governing with a Coalition of the center of Grüne and SPD. In the last State election in Lower Saxony in 2022, SPD (33.4% - 57 seats), CDU (28.1% - 47 seats), Grüne (14.5% - 24 seats) and AfD (10.9% - 18 seats) entered parliament. The turnout of that election was 60.3%.
Stephan Weil
Head of state
Parties in parliament
Seats in parliament
: 146
Government & opposition
: 81
: 65
Political orientation
Left-leaning parties
: 81
Right-leaning parties
: 65
When is the next election in Lower Saxony?
The next election in Lower Saxony is expected to take place in the year 2027.
Who is the president of Lower Saxony?
The head of state of Lower Saxony is Stephan Weil.
Who governs in Lower Saxony?
Stephan Weil governs in Lower Saxony with a coalition of SPD and Grüne.
What is the latest poll for Lower Saxony?
The latest poll for the election in Lower Saxony was published by Allensbach. The parties achieve the following values: CDU 30%, SPD 29%, AfD 21%, Grüne 11%, FDP 4% and Die Linke 2%.
Which parties are in the parliament of Lower Saxony?
In the parliament of Lower Saxony, there are 146 representatives from 4 parties. 81 representatives are part of the government from SPD and Grüne. The opposition from CDU and AfD has 65 representatives.