Current Poll Values for the BSW

Current Poll Values for the BSW

In the current election trend, BSW is at 5.8%. This is a difference of +5.8 compared to the last election result.

In the election trend of the federal states, BSW currently achieves the best values in Saxony-Anhalt with 16%, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 14.5% and Thuringia with 14%.

The worst poll results of BSW are currently in Rhineland-Palatinate with 4%, North Rhine-Westphalia with 4% and Hamburg with 4%.

In the last elections, :common_name achieved the best results in Thuringia with 14%, Brandenburg with 13.5% and Saxony with 11.8%.

Parliamentary Election in Germany


Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht
EU Parliament
Election Trend
The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is a political party founded in January 2024 in Germany, initiated by former Left politician Sahra Wagenknecht. The party positions itself as left-populist with conservative elements and aims for social justice, economic reason, and a peace-oriented foreign policy. BSW criticizes the current climate policy and demands stronger state control over large corporations. Since its founding, the party has achieved significant electoral successes in several East German federal states and is represented in some state parliaments.

Foundation and Background

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht was founded on January 8, 2024, by Sahra Wagenknecht, a former prominent politician of the Left Party. The founding took place after internal conflicts within the Left, whereby Wagenknecht and her supporters wanted to create a new political platform that better represents their ideas of social justice and economic reason.

Political Orientation and Goals

BSW sees itself as a left-populist party with conservative elements. It advocates for social justice, a fair distribution of wealth, and stronger state control over large corporations. In economic policy, the party calls for a departure from capitalism and emphasizes the necessity of limiting the power of large companies to protect democracy.

Criticism of Climate Policy and Foreign Policy

In climate policy, BSW criticizes current measures as ineffective and demands a more pragmatic approach that takes into account both ecological and economic aspects. In foreign policy, the party advocates for a peace-oriented policy and emphasizes the necessity of diplomatic solutions in international conflicts. It rejects military interventions and calls for a return to a policy of détente.

Electoral Successes and Political Significance

Since its founding, BSW has achieved significant electoral successes in several East German federal states. In the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg in September 2024, the party achieved double-digit results and entered the respective state parliaments. These successes underline the growing significance of BSW in the German party landscape and its role as a potential coalition partner in various federal states.

Who Votes for the BSW?

Political Standpoints of Party Supporters

BSW voters advocate for stronger state interventions in the economy and more market regulations. On immigration policy, they prefer stricter measures and value strong nation-states. Close cooperation with Russia and China is important to them. On societal issues, they oscillate between progressive and traditional values. They support the redistribution of wealth from rich to poor and prefer the separation of church and state.

What Does the Overview Show?

The overview shows the range of positions of party supporters. The shorter the bar, the more homogeneous the opinion of the party’s voters on a topic.

Where Do the Data Come From?

The data are based on self-assessments of the positions of party supporters from the PolitPro community. The data are not representative of the general population but still provide a good insight into differences and focuses among voters of different parties.
State Economic Policy
Few Interventions in Markets
Many Interventions in Markets
Environmental protection more important than economic growth
Economic growth more important than environmental protection
Europäische Union
Integration & Society
Multicultural Society
Homogeneous Society
Umverteilung von Vermögen
Für Umverteilung von reich zu arm
Gegen Umverteilung von reich zu arm

Election Results

Historical Election Results in the Bundestag

Current government participation

Government Participation in Federal States

BSW is currently governing in 2 federal states: Brandenburg and Thuringia.

Government Coalitions


Explanation of the Table

The overview shows all current government participations of BSW. The first column shows the parliament in which BSW is governing. The colored bars show all parties involved in the government. A single bar indicates a government without a coalition partner. Two bars stand for government coalitions of 2 parties. Coalitions of 3 parties are shown with three bars.


Where does BSW currently stand?

In the current election trend BSW reaches 5.8% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of +5.8 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states, BSW currently achieves the best values in Saxony-Anhalt with 16%, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 14.5% and Thuringia with 14%.

What are the political positions of BSW?

The party upholds core values such as social justice, economic rationality, peace, and personal freedom.

Is BSW left-wing or right-wing?

BSW advocates a mixture of left and right positions.

What does BSW stand for?

BSW is the abbreviation for Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht.