Should cannabis be legalized?

Poll results

Should cannabis be legalized?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 4084 respondents – 06.10.2023-13.10.2023

Poll information

Should cannabis be legalized? 82% voted in favor of legalizing cannabis, 44% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 4084 users of the PolitPro app during 06.10.2023-13.10.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Relief for the judicial system: Legalizing cannabis would relieve the judicial system, as fewer resources would have to be spent on prosecuting cannabis offenses. This would allow for a focus on more serious offenses and improve the efficiency of the justice system.
  2. Tax revenue and economic benefits: Significant tax revenues could be generated by legalizing cannabis. This revenue could be used to fund education, health care, and prevention efforts related to cannabis abuse. In addition, legalization would lead to new jobs in the legal cannabis industry and stimulate the economy.
  3. Regulation and protection of minors: legalization of cannabis could introduce strict regulations and control mechanisms. This would ensure that the product is of high quality and meets health standards. At the same time, access for youth could be made more difficult, as a regulated market would allow for age restrictions and monitoring.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Health risks: Cannabis use can pose health risks, especially with long-term and excessive use. Legalization could lead to increased use, putting the health of the population at risk. Adolescents in particular could be at greater risk, as their brains are still developing.
  2. Dependence potential: cannabis has a potential for dependence, and legalization could lead to an increase in dependence rates. This could have a negative impact on the personal well-being, productivity, and social relationships of those involved. Legalization could also lead to increased abuse of cannabis among certain populations.
  3. Traffic and safety concerns: cannabis use can impair driving ability and increase the risk of accidents. Legalization could lead to an increase in driving under the influence of cannabis and jeopardize traffic safety. Strict rules and controls would need to be introduced to ensure that cannabis use does not become a danger on the roads.