Should broadcasting fees be abolished?

Poll results

Should broadcasting fees be abolished?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3547 respondents – 29.08.2023-05.09.2023

Poll information

Should broadcasting fees be abolished? 56% voted in favor of abolishing broadcasting fees, 79% against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3547 users of the PolitPro app during 29.08.2023-05.09.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Financial relief for citizens: Abolishing broadcasting fees would mean a direct financial relief for people. Households could use the money saved for other expenses, which would benefit lower-income families in particular. This additional financial freedom could help improve people's quality of life and provide the opportunity to invest in other important areas such as education, health or leisure .
  2. Market orientation and competition: Abolishing broadcasting fees would stimulate greater competition in the broadcasting sector . private broadcasters would have to make greater efforts to attract viewers and advertisers in order to secure their funding . This could lead to a greater variety of programs and innovative offerings, as providers would be forced to adapt to viewers' needs and preferences. It could also lead to more efficient use of broadcasting resources.
  3. Freedom of choice and individualization: Abolishing broadcasting fees would give citizens more freedom of choice. Everyone could decide for themselves which media offerings they would like to use and which they would not. This would be more in line with individual media use and personal preferences. The variety of free-to-air media would enable people to put together their own information and entertainment program.
  4. articles.public-broadcasting-fees-pro-head-2: articles.public-broadcasting-fees-pro-body-2

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Independence and quality of public broadcasting: Broadcasting fees serve to ensure the independence and quality of the public broadcasting system. Through their financing, public broadcasters are not dependent on advertising revenues and can report independently of economic interests. Abolishing broadcasting fees could lead to a loss of journalistic independence and a loss of quality in reporting.
  2. Diversity and cultural added value: Public broadcasters offer a wide range of programs covering cultural diversity and educational content. The abolition of broadcasting fees could jeopardize the funding of such programs, as private broadcasters would be more likely to focus on profit-making programs. This could lead to a loss of cultural added value and educational offerings.
  3. Fee fairness and solidarity: Broadcasting fees are based on the solidarity principle, in which every household contributes to the financing of public broadcasting, regardless of how much it actually uses it. This system enables a fair distribution of costs and ensures that broadcasting services are financed for the entire population. Abolishing broadcasting fees would lead to a more unequal distribution of funding, as only those who actually use broadcasting would have to pay.