Should school uniforms be introduced?

Poll results

Should school uniforms be introduced?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 2929 respondents – 30.05.2023-05.06.2023

Poll information

Should school uniforms be introduced? 44% voted for the introduction of school uniforms, 82% voted against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 2929 users of the PolitPro app during 30.05.2023-05.06.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Equality and social inclusion: school uniforms promote equality among students, regardless of their social background or financial situation. Uniforms create a uniform appearance and reduce social differences that can result from expensive brand-name clothing. In this way, all students are put on a common footing and feel part of a community.
  2. Promoting the learning environment: school uniforms can create a positive learning environment. By minimizing dress decisions, students' attention is focused more on instruction and learning . Uniforms can help all students feel like they are treated equally and with respect, regardless of how they dress . This can boost self - esteem and improve the school climate .
  3. Safety and identification: school uniforms make it easier for students to identify themselves and contribute to safety . The uniform appearance makes it easier for outsiders to identify who belongs to the school and who does not . This reduces the risk of strangers in the school and increases student safety . In addition, belonging to a particular school by wearing the school uniform strengthens the sense of community and identification with the educational institution .
  • Cons - What's against it?

      1. Individual freedom and self - expression: school uniforms could be seen as a restriction of individual freedom and self - expression . Clothing is a means of expressing personality and showing each individual's individuality . Uniforms could take away the opportunity to express oneself creatively and express one's identity . This could lead to dissatisfaction and a sense of oppression .
      2. Cost and Financial Burden: The implementation of school uniforms could be a financial burden for some families . Purchasing the uniforms, as well as any alterations or replacement purchases, could result in additional costs . This could lead to inequities, as not all families have the same financial ability to pay for the uniforms .
      3. Diversity and individuality: school uniforms could limit students' diversity and cultural identity. Schools are often multicultural places where different traditions and styles of dress are represented. Uniforms could suppress this diversity and lead to a lack of visibility of individual cultural expression.