Should referendums be introduced at the federal level?

Poll results

Should referendums be introduced at the federal level?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3728 respondents – 16.10.2023-22.10.2023

Poll information

Should referendums be introduced at the federal level? 63% voted in favor of introducing referendums at the federal level, 61% were against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3728 users of the PolitPro app during 16.10.2023-22.10.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Direct democracy: Referendums allow citizens to participate directly in political decisions. The opportunity to vote directly on important issues complements and strengthens representative democracy. Citizens have the right to express their opinions and actively participate in political processes.
  2. Better legitimacy of decisions: Referendums can increase the legitimacy of political decisions. When important issues are decided directly by the people, acceptance and trust in political decision-making processes are strengthened. Referendums enable broader participation of the population and ensure a greater diversity of perspectives and opinions.
  3. Control of the government: Referendums serve as a control mechanism for the government. They allow citizens to review political decisions and take corrective action if necessary. Referendums ensure that the interests and needs of the population are taken into account and that political power is not concentrated unilaterally.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Complexity of political decisions: Many political issues are extremely complex and require specific expertise. The direct participation of citizens in such decisions can lead to insufficiently informed or emotional votes that are not based on sound knowledge. There is a risk that important decisions will be made based on misunderstandings or populist tendencies.
  2. Time and resource requirements: Referendums require a considerable amount of time and resources. Organizing votes, providing information and ensuring that they are conducted fairly are logistically costly. This can lead to delays in political decisions and cause considerable costs.
  3. Risk of majority dictatorship: Referendums carry the risk of a majority dictatorship in which the rights and needs of minorities are neglected. Decisions could be made on the basis of emotional or short-term sentiments without sufficient consideration of the long-term effects and possible consequences. The protection of minorities and the safeguarding of fundamental human rights could be jeopardized.