Should International Women's Day become a public holiday nationwide?

Poll results

Should International Women's Day become a public holiday nationwide?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3585 respondents – 25.09.2023-02.10.2023

Poll information

Should International Women's Day become a public holiday nationwide? 69% of respondents were in favor of making International Women's Day a public holiday, while 49% were opposed.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3585 users of the PolitPro app during 25.09.2023-02.10.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Valuing Women: Making International Women's Day a public holiday would be an expression of recognition and appreciation of women in our society. It would highlight the importance of their achievements and influence at all levels of life and promote gender equality.
  2. Raising awareness of women's rights: a public holiday for International Women's Day would draw public attention to the challenges and inequalities faced by women around the world. It would serve as a platform to create awareness about women's rights, equality, and the fight against discrimination.
  3. Symbolic significance: establishing International Women's Day as a public holiday would have symbolic significance and would signal that society recognizes women's rights and gender equity as fundamental values. It would send a message that gender equality is a key concern and must continue to be advanced.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Diversity of holidays: there are already a variety of holidays on our calendar that have different historical, religious, or cultural meanings. Adding another public holiday could lead to calendar congestion and a reduction in work days or productivity.
  2. Cost and Economic Impact: The introduction of a public holiday imposes additional costs on businesses and the economy as a whole. There could be lost production, especially in industries that work around the clock. This could lead to financial burdens and affect competitiveness.
  3. Other Ways to Recognize: There are already various ways to recognize International Women's Day and support women's rights, such as events, rallies, and campaigns. Instead of a legal holiday, resources and efforts could be used in other ways to promote gender equality.