Should Kita fees be abolished?

Poll results

Should Kita fees be abolished?
Don't know
PolitPro Community – 3530 respondents – 05.09.2023-12.09.2023

Poll information

Should Kita fees be abolished? 81% of respondents are in favor of abolishing Kita fees, while 25% are against.

:undecided% chose the answer "Don't know". The survey was conducted among 3530 users of the PolitPro app during 05.09.2023-12.09.2023. The results are not representative, but may give a rough idea of the political mood around the issue.

Pros - What's in favor?

  1. Equal opportunities and educational justice: Abolishing Kita fees would give all families equal access to early childhood education. Education should be open to all children regardless of the parents' financial situation. Abolishing fees would reduce social disparities and create greater equality of opportunity.
  2. Relief for families: Daycare fees represent a considerable financial burden for many families. Abolishing them would relieve the financial burden on families, giving them more leeway for other expenses, such as housing or education. Low-income families in particular would benefit from this measure.
  3. Economic benefits: Early childhood education has long-term positive effects on society and the economy. Children who receive early support have better educational opportunities and are more successful later in their careers. Eliminating daycare fees would help ensure that more children benefit from early childhood education and thus also strengthen the country's competitiveness in the long run.

Cons - What's against it?

  1. Financial implications: Abolishing Kita fees would lead to significant financial burdens for public budgets. The costs of running daycare centers would have to be covered elsewhere, for example through higher taxes or savings in other areas. This could lead to an unequal distribution of the financial burden and neglect other important areas, such as education or infrastructure.
  2. Quality assurance: Financing daycare centers through fees enables providers to ensure sufficient financial resources for equipment, staff and quality assurance. By abolishing fees, there is a risk that the quality of childcare facilities will be compromised, as financial resources may not be sufficient to maintain the required standards.
  3. Parents' freedom of choice: Abolishing daycare fees could lead to a standardization of services, as parents' financial independence in choosing a daycare center would be reduced. Parents could have less influence on the type and quality of care, as financial support for daycare centers would be centralized.