Current Poll Values for The Left

Current Poll Values for The Left

In the last election, the party reached 4.9% of the votes. In the current election trend, Die Linke is at 5.2%. This is a difference of +0.3 compared to the last election result.

In the election trend of the federal states, Die Linke currently achieves the best values in Thuringia with 11%, Bremen with 10.9% and Hamburg with 7.4%.

The worst poll results of Die Linke are currently in Bavaria with 1%, Schleswig-Holstein with 1.5% and Rhineland-Palatinate with 1.5%.

In the last elections, :common_name achieved the best results in Thuringia with 11%, Berlin with 6%, Saxony-Anhalt with 4%, Bremen with 10.9% and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 7.3%.

Where do the poll numbers come from?

The displayed values are polling data from the PolitPro election trend, which is calculated based on weighted averages. PolitPro does not conduct its own surveys but instead uses published polling data from research institutes as well as election results. For smaller parties that are rarely included in Sunday polls, the values are therefore heavily based on election results. The figures shown on the map or below refer to the state elections of the respective federal states.

Parliamentary Election in Germany

Die Linke

The Left
EU Parliament
Election Trend
Result of the last parliamentary election: 4.9%
The Left is a German political party that was formed in 2007 from the merger of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and the Electoral Alternative for Labor and Social Justice (WASG). It represents socialist and democratic-socialist positions and advocates for social justice, peace, and ecological sustainability. The Left is represented in the Bundestag as well as in several state parliaments and is committed to a fairer distribution of wealth and resources in Germany.

Origin and History

The Left was founded in 2007 through the merger of the PDS and the WASG. The PDS was the successor party of the SED, the former ruling party of the GDR, while the WASG emerged out of dissatisfaction with the social policies of the SPD. Through this union, they unified leftist forces from East and West Germany to jointly advocate for social justice.

Political Orientation and Goals

The Left sees itself as a socialist and democratic-socialist party. It advocates for social justice, peace, and ecological sustainability. Central demands include the fair distribution of wealth, strengthening the welfare state, higher taxes for the wealthy, and the rejection of military interventions. The party stands for equal opportunities and a good life for all people.

Significance and Influence

The Left is represented in the Bundestag as well as in several state parliaments. In some federal states, such as Thuringia, it even temporarily held the position of Minister-President. At the European level, it is a member of the European Left and collaborates with other leftist parties to pursue its goals. After the split of the faction around Sahra Wagenknecht, the party faces new challenges and fights for its political influence.


Who Votes for The Left?

Political Standpoints of Party Supporters

Supporters of The Left clearly stand for progressive and left-wing values: They emphasize wealth redistribution, strong market regulations, and a multicultural society. Environmental and climate protection are high priorities, well above economic growth. On civil rights, they prefer more freedom but do not entirely reject extreme security measures. In democracy, they value direct participation and internal decisions by members. They are EU-critical but not dismissive, view open borders positively, and prefer local economic protection policies.

What Does the Overview Show?

The overview shows the range of positions of party supporters. The shorter the bar, the more homogeneous the opinion of the party’s voters on a topic.

Where Do the Data Come From?

The data are based on self-assessments of the positions of party supporters from the PolitPro community. The data are not representative of the general population but still provide a good insight into differences and focuses among voters of different parties.
State Economic Policy
Few Interventions in Markets
Many Interventions in Markets
Environmental protection more important than economic growth
Economic growth more important than environmental protection
Europäische Union
Integration & Society
Multicultural Society
Homogeneous Society
Umverteilung von Vermögen
Für Umverteilung von reich zu arm
Gegen Umverteilung von reich zu arm

Election Results

Historical Election Results in the Bundestag

Current government participation

Government Participation in Federal States

Die Linke is currently governing in 2 federal states: Bremen and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Government Coalitions

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Explanation of the Table

The overview shows all current government participations of Die Linke. The first column shows the parliament in which Die Linke is governing. The colored bars show all parties involved in the government. A single bar indicates a government without a coalition partner. Two bars stand for government coalitions of 2 parties. Coalitions of 3 parties are shown with three bars.


Where does Die Linke currently stand?

In the current election trend Die Linke reaches 5.2% of the vote today. Compared to the last election, this is a difference of +0.3 percentage points.

In the election trend of the federal states, Die Linke currently achieves the best values in Thuringia with 11%, Bremen with 10.9% and Hamburg with 7.4%.

What are the political positions of Die Linke?

Die Linke represents socialist and social democratic values, advocates for social justice and equal participation. It emphasizes the importance of redistribution and public services.

Is Die Linke left-wing or right-wing?

Die Linke is a left-wing party.

Which faction in the EU Parliament does Die Linke belong to?

Die Linke sympathizes with the faction Left (European United Left-Nordic Green Left) in the EU Parliament.

What does Linke stand for?

Linke is the abbreviation for Die Linke.