Current election polls by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen

Latest polls from Forschungsgruppe Wahlen

Rating of parties

What are significant differences?

The PolitPro election trend, which calculates a time-weighted average value of current election polls, serves as a comparison value. A poll value is considered higher/lower if it is more than one percentage point higher/lower than the election trend. The overview shows all parties for which there is a deviation in a particular direction in at least 30% of the institute's election polls.

Accuracy in elections

ZDF Politikbarometer

Forschungsgruppen Wahlen traditionally collects polling data for the ZDF Politbarometer. The Politbarometer is a monthly program of ZDF, which surveys the current mood on political issues in Germany. In the telephone interviews, around forty questions are asked, some with, some without answer specifications. The Forschungsgruppe Wahlen also provides all forecasts and analyses for the ZDF election broadcasts.